Of course, we love our pets.
We’d do anything to keep them safe.
But we’re all human.
And we make mistakes…I know, shocker!
But if you do these 6 things, your dog will be safer, and you’ll be a wonderful Pet Parent!
1. DO leave your pet at home
I know this is the last thing you might think of doing. However, in this heat, not every day is meant for play. Sometimes, a cool, indoor home is the best spot for your pup.

It seems crazy that we would have to even say this, but it happens. Interior vehicle temperatures can reach 120+ degrees. Opening a window doesn’t provide enough ventilation, and Pets can die or suffer permanent brain damage in less than five minutes at those high temperatures.

3. DO check your dog’s outside water
Water is a great thing to have outside for your dog to take a sip when feeling hot. However, you have to be weary of the infamous Colorado River Toad. During monsoon seasons, this creature takes up home in water bowls, and can poison your dog if bitten/eaten.

4. DO check The Pavement
Some are unaware of just how hot the pavement or ground can get. On a hot day, surface temperatures can reach upwards of 160 degrees, the same temperature that cooks beef! A good tip is to put your hand on the ground. If you can’t keep it there, it is too hot for your dog’s feet. Booties like these are a great way to keep your puppy paws safe from burns.

5. DO Snake Avoidance
Rattlesnakes pose a great threat to pups ALL YEAR round. Rattlesnakes have even been sighted in densely populated cities, so

6. DON’T give TOO much water
Of course, water is a great thing to keep pups cool and safe in the desert, however, there is a thing as

Of course, the desert has many wonderful features, but when you live in a desert environment with pets, you do need to take care. Most of it comes down to common sense, so if you’re ever unsure, always air on the side of caution! Have fun and stay safe.
Sign up for Partners snake avoidance (Watch video guide) *Cave Creek Location Only*
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